bike, endurance, fat is your fuel, food, ironman, ironman training, nutrition, performance, run, swim, triathlon, triathlon training

Let’s talk about food!!!

First of all, we apologize for taking so long to write a post, but life got really busy. We moved to a different apartment, Carol started a new job full time and she is starting MBA soon. Rich besides the move, he was having perhaps a mid life crisis (LOL), but you can check his blog for more info.


Swim workout!

So we are returning to blog more often and today we decided to talk about FOOD! Food is our favorite thing to talk about it and  that is one of the  biggest concern for many people that want to be healthy (including us). So we tried to break down our grocery list for the week, especially now that training is starting to ramp up. Is worth to say that we eat very clean, in fact, the conception of clean eating for most of you might be different, please check here to see what Rich has to say about clean eating. So here is our list of we mainly consume and where we buy:

Produce: Cauliflower; Carrots; Kale; Spinach; Eggplant; Onions; Garlic; avocados; zucchini; squash; Red peppers-  we get the produce from a small farmers market on Lake worth road called Sofia Farmers Market.


Protein: Grass fed ground beef, sirloin grass fed steak; organic free range chicken from trader joes, pasture raised eggs and pasture raised ghee from fresh market, Pederson Farm bacon (the only one without sugar), only Whole Foods have it.

Coconut products and etc: Sambazon acai sugar free, Native Forest coconut milk (unsweetened), Native Forest coconut cream (Rich is addicted), raw artisana coconut butter (Carols Addiction), Nativas Naturals Maca powder and  365 organic coconut oil, this we only find at Whole foods.

Using fat as fuel:  vespa CV 25 (Rich) and  Vespa Jr (Carol)- You can get here.

– Water and about 4 tablets of Nuun.

Of course we can’t leave out the occasionally Vega Maca Chocolate bars (check video below).

That is pretty much what we eat, its very simple and very effective. FAT IS YOUR FUEL!!!

We understand  that food is some sort of an emotional thing for a lot of people, and it was for a long time for us too. After learning about so many approaches (and experiencing their pitfalls), we learned that there is nothing better than moderation, and specially wholefoods!!! You can eat pretty much everything, if you don’t overdo, but of course, the cleaner you eat, the cleaner your body (mind and soul as well) will be and will thank you in the future. We see our food choices as our “health insurance”, we will explain more later.

On the next post we will go deeper and share a few books we have learned a lot with, but before, a funny movie to lighten your day: Rich and the delicious Vega chocolate bars (occasional treats!)


Rich and Carol


Our First Tri Together!!

Pre-Race faces!:)

Pre-Race day faces!:)


We have been together for over 9 years, and we met through triathlon, when a triathlon friend introduced us.  However, we never raced a triathlon together. Carol has always done Sprint and Olympic distances before she met Richard, and Richard was always a long distance athlete! One would think that it would be easier for Rich to race a small race, than to Carol train for a long distance race. And yes, that is correct. It took Carol almost 9 years of watching Richard racing, cheering him on, losing her hair and mind over his races, to finally decide to register for a long distance triathlon. It took more than years, it took a lot of courage, it took also a lot of “pushing” from Richard (his dream was always to watch Carol racing, and specially, long distances races!!)

So Carol registered for Ironman Florida that will happen November 2015, but in preparation for that race Richard (also her coach), had planned for her a few half ironman distances, and the first one was last weekend, in Naples. Believe us, as a husband and as a coach Richard had/have big plans for Carol that he has been putting it off for all these years, and he is finally in heaven (or maybe not so much because coaching his wife is also the hardest thing ever), to be able to guide Carol through this journey that he knows so well. What Carol wasn’t expecting for this first race was that Richard was going to be racing the same race, but double the distance. At first, when Rich brought the idea, Carol kind of freaked out, because she is used to watch Richard on his races, follow every step possible, and be there physically or in front of the computer from beginning until the end. But this one, she was going to be racing half of the time, and then…who knows…recovering from her first race. Plus…she wouldn’t have Rich’s support in her first long distance race…”he will be there…but mentally focus on his performance”, she thought!!

Well, when our entry was confirmed for Full Distance (Rich) and half distance (Carol), besides the butterflies in the stomach, we got really excited! We thought it would be a great opportunity for both of us to race together (for the first time), and still, Carol could watch part of Rich’s race, as well as, we would be tapering at the same time, watching every step before the big day, etc etc.

The result? We had a blast!!!!! A few days before the race, we thought we had the training in place, and our main focus was the nutrition!! Very important!! As a copy cat as Carol is, she would eat (or not eat) everything Rich would (or would not). Having had a few stomach issues 2 weeks prior to the race, Carol knew she had to score the nutrition in order to have a good race.

Carol's hospital visit 2 weeks before the race...still didn't stop us!!

Carol’s hospital visit 2 weeks before the race…still didn’t stop us!!

Beach visit, one week before the race...:)

Beach visit, one week before the race…:)

It was a great experience picking up packages together, preparing the bikes, setting goals, going over race strategy (It was just Carol’s first long race, but she had to have a strategy…lol…women always want everything to be organized and in place, even when they are having fun)!!! And we even had a good time trying to calm each other nerves!! For Carol was just her first, so, even though she always want everything to be perfect, she was cool about her race, and she kept telling herself she was there to have fun. But, for Rich, was time for a PR, for a great race and maybe time to win an Ironman??  So, having to go over details with Carol kind of made Rich to distract his mind and relax a little!!!

The day before...who is happy, who is nervous?

The day before…who is happy, who is nervous?

The night before the race we barely slept. We were wide awake around 2am, when Carol asked Rich: Is this normal? Not being able to sleep? I am ready to go, to start, to swim bike and run!!!!!!!! Rich answered: Yes, get used to this!!!lol

Race day was here, and we warmed up together, and we waited for the start right next to each other…when we knew was the last moment close to each until Rich’s finish. We raced like we never done before, knowing that we would see each other at some point at the race. Carol finished her race, and quickly changed from her athlete outfit to her “wife outfit”, with her camera ready to go and her lungs ready to scream for Rich.

At some point, Carol found out something happened with Richs wheel, and even sore and tired she went back and forth to find out what his status was. She came to find out, Rich had to stop for 43 minutes on the bike for mechanical issues, but soon she saw him in the transition. In Transition she looked at him and said, you still can win this, and hey…I did a great race! She told him her time and he was impressed, probably thinking, “I have to make this a big day for both of us”!!! So he started his journey on the marathon, reaching the second position within the first half. Carol gave him his special needs on the half marathon, and then decided to get her bike out of transition and go out on the course. There she was, sore and tired, checking her bike out of transition for 13 extra miles cheering Rich, timing him and taking pictures. For Carol, racing her first long race was exciting, but nothing beats cheering her hubby succeeding after so much effort and dedication!!

Rich listening to Carol on transition...getting ready to rock the marathon!!

Rich listening to Carol on transition…getting ready to rock the marathon!!

And off the goes...!!

And off he goes…!!

Richard finished the marathon impressively in 3h19min and in second place overall, only 5 minutes behind the first place. They were both very very happy! As a friend said to us, ” what a great day in the office” we had!!!:)

Amazing finish! Carol's hero!!!

Overall, racing together made us stronger and even more connected. Rich could pass on his experience as coach and athlete, and Carol, as relaxed as she was, could bring Rich a little more peace for before and during the race…telling him that everything was under control!

Our first race together was a great experience...HAPPY!!!

Our first triathlon together was a great experience…HAPPY!!!

We have totally different approaches in sport, or we used to have…but today we feel even more connected due to the fact that we love the extra miles, we learn with the challenges, and every step we make, every fear we overcome, make us stronger as people and as a couple. We chose challenging goals over comfort, and as long as we live, we will work hard every day to reach those dreams, one by one!!!

Back home, happy family, proud of our achievements!!

Back home, happy family, proud of our achievements!!

Rich & Carol


Introducing Ourselves

Well, before we start sharing some interesting stories, we thought we should quickly introduce ourselves first.
We are Rich and Carol, and we love sports  as you can tell by reading this blog. We met throughout a mutual triathlon friend 9 years ago, and we have been together since our first date. Our love story couldn’t been told within a blog post, but we will be giving you guys a glance of what this love+sports+endurance is all about for us!! To start, lets get to a few facts about ourselves:
Names: Ana Carolina Monteiro da Silva Wygand (yes, this long!!) and Richard Wygand (short and sweet!!:)
Ages: Carol 32 and Rich 34
Started in sports: Carol- started swimming when I was 9 years old. Rich: Basketball with 11 years of age.

Why triathlon? Carol: Because I was a horrible swimmer, and specially because I wanted to follow my brother’s path. Rich: Because I was overweight, and decided to change my life!! Wowww!!!

Special moment in sports: Carol: When my brother Fred and I won an entire aquathlon championship, and we were offered a sponsorship. Richard: When I won my first triathlon overall.
Dream: Carol -I live the dream, but I could have a few (lot) more things…haha. Rich: To win an Ironman.
Favorite hobby: When we are not swimming, biking or running, the other favorite thing we both love to do is to play with our dog Bolt (named after Usain Bolt). He is the best doggie ever, and he can run fast too!!!:)
There you have it, a few facts about us, and below a picture of races we have done long long time ago. Its hard to tell exactly when the races happened, but Rich’s picture is probably from 2006, the middle one is from the first race Rich saw Carol participating (2007 ish), and Carol’s picture should be from around 1998-1999.
Fotos -carol



Hello There!!! We are Rich and Carol, husband and wife, best friends, partners, and we are also athletes since pretty young age, having sport playing  a big role in our lives! We chose the title “Endurance Couple” because together, and individually, we both had gone through life changing experiences, and besides Rich’s journey as a coach and professional athlete, we also want to share Carol’s odyssey to her first Ironman race. We are here to share, but also to inspire men and women, boys and girls, siblings and specially couples to have sports part of their lives! Welcome aboard!!!!



